As we enter the first full week of December you will probably be aware of the two main types of people. There’s those that had completed their Christmas shopping by the end of November, having started in March, and there’s those us who get a feeling of panic in the pit of their stomach on a daily basis as they realise that the clock is ticking and they are nowhere near done. If, like me, you fall into the latter then this blog is for you!

Back in October I wrote this blog highlighting five ways that you can support small business, and I thought I would extend on that by sharing my ideas for unique gifts that will make both your loved ones and an entrepreneur very happy. After all, it is the season of goodwill and cheer!

  1. Activities – Perhaps you have a friend or relative who has wanted to try a new hobby. Maybe they are keen to take up kickboxing, learn how to cook or improve their dancing skills? Many businesses that offer these types of activities will be happy for you to purchase taster sessions so the recipient of your gift will be able to see if they would like to commit to a whole course. Even if the business doesn’t advertise taster sessions it is always worth asking.
  2. Handmade gifts – The beauty of a handmade gift is that it is often fairly, if not totally, unique and you can specify what you want to ensure that your loved one receives a gift that was designed especially for them. If you don’t have time to visit your local high street then is a great way of sourcing custom, handcrafted gifts. If you want to stick to buying local then a quick Facebook search should help you find what you are looking for in your area.
  3. Business help – If there is someone in your life who is an entrepreneur themselves, why not consider giving them something that would help their business. Maybe they need guidance with social media or could really do with a few hours admin support (you know where to come for this!!!) These things may seem a bit boring when compared to bottles of fizz and socks that play jingle bells every time you move but they will be massively useful to someone who is trying to drive their business forward.
  4. Make their life easier – If, for example, you know someone who detests housework, is worried about their dog being alone for too long while they are at work or wants a beautiful garden but doesn’t know where to start, then speak to someone who offers those services in their area about gifting hours so that those jobs get done.
  5. Pamper them – Everyone loves a bit of a pamper and some me-time, whether it‘s a manicure, new hair do or a massage. Buying someone a voucher for something like this tells them that you really care for their well being and there are plenty of small businesses that want to ensure that their customers go away feeling refreshed and calm.

Have a great festive season and don’t forget, if you receive good services and/or goods from a local small business owner, leave them a review on social media to encourage others to buy from them.

Five ways you can support local business while Christmas shopping